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New Edition of California Planning Guide Published

The Sixth Edition of William Fulton's classic Guide to California Planning has been published in e-book form and can be ordered here. The printed edition will be available later this summer.

Fulton's Guide is considered "the Bible" of California land use planning. First published in 1991, the book is used in virtually every urban planning class in California and can be found as a desk reference on the desks of most planners in California.

The new edition of the Guide -- the first since 2018 -- includes detailed updates on several subjects, especially the state's new laws to encourage housing production as well as laws and guidelines dealing with wildfires and other natural hazards.

Easy to read and understand, Guide to California Planning is far more than a textbook. It’s an ideal tool for planning professionals, members of allied professions in the planning and development fields, and citizen activists.

Topics include:

  • The history of urban planning and land use regulation in California

  • The structure of planning decision-making and the players at the local, regional, state, and federal levels

  • The basic tools, including General Plans, zoning ordinances, development codes, the Subdivision Map Act, and the California Environmental Quality Act

  • Advance techniques, including exactions, growth management, Specific Plans, and development agreements

  • Important urban development topics such as economic development, climate change, sustainability, infill development, and property rights

  • Infrastructure and infrastructure finance

  • Natural resource protection

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